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Research Centers

Centros de Investigación

Institutional Research Centers

Ecuadorian Center for Biotechnology Research (Centro de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas del Ecuador, CIBE)

Devoted to carrying out research, innovation, transference and human talent development in biotechnology in support of national industry and technological sovereignty.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Daynet Sosa del Castillo dasosa@espol.edu.ec 042-269782

Center for Information Technologies (Centro de Tecnologías de Información, CTI)

Devoted to the effective provision of tools and services to improve human productivity through the use of ICTs, to leading research and development into ICTs through alliances with other Universities, the Government, Industry and the Community to stimulate the development of Guayaquil, the region and the country.

Name of Center Director  Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Xavier Ochoa Chehab xochoa@espol.edu.ec 042-269777. Ext.: 7006

Center for Aquaculture and Marine Research (Centro Nacional de Acuicultura e Investigaciones Marinas, CENAIM)

Devoted to supporting the sustainable development of aquaculture and marine biodiversity in Ecuador, through scientific research, technological development, training and the dissemination of knowledge, encouraging the development of a close collaboration between the State, the Productive Sector and the Academic Community.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Stanislaus Sonnenholzner ssonnen@espol.edu.ec 042-916120 Ext. 208

Center for Asian-Pacific Studies (Centro de Estudios Asia - Pacífico, CEAP)

Focused on enhancing awareness and understanding in relation to economic policies and business opportunities in the Asian-Pacific zone, between academics, politicians, and the business community of Ecuador.

The center also carries out studies offering recommendations on economic policy to improve the welfare of Ecuadorians and to help bring about the economic, social and cultural integration of Ecuador in the Asia-Pacific region.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Sara Wong Chang sawong@espol.edu.ec 042-530383

Center for Water and Sustainable Development (Centro de Agua y Desarrollo Sustentable, CADS)

This Center focuses on the integral management of water resources, through the development of decision-making support tools for the management of drainage basins.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Luis Dominguez ldomingu@espo.edu.ec 042-269478

Center of Research and Projects Applied to Geosciences (Centro de Investigación y Proyectos Aplicados a las Ciencias de la Tierra, CIPAT)

Aimed at establishing relationships of the greatest possible service to the business, public and social communities, by contributing solutions to the technical problems of Geosciences.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Paul Carrión pcarrion@espol.edu.ec 042-269400

Center of Research, Development and Innovation in Computer Systems (Centro de Investigaciones, Desarrollo e Innovación de Sistemas Computacionales, CIDIS)

CIDIS is a R+D+I center that carries out scientific and technological research aimed at solving specific problems in its fields of application in: agriculture, manufacture, transport, telecommunications and smart buildings, developing systems that integrate hardware and software.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Boris X. Vintimilla. B boris.vintimilla@espol.edu.ec 042-269761

Ecuadorian Center for Research and Development of Nanotechnology (Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación y Desarrollo de Nanotecnología, CIDNA)

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Eduardo Ludena eludena@espol.edu.ec 042-269380

Center for Renewable and Alternative Energy (Centro de Energías Renovables y Alternativas, CERA)

The remit of this center is Research, Innovation and Development in science and engineering applied to optimal use of renewable natural resources, with a view to satisfying the needs of the country in the development of the energy sector, convertiing electricity into a source for production and welfare to improve the quality of life of Ecuadorians.

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Guillermo Soriano gsorian@espol.edu.ec 042-269350


Centers linked to Colleges

College of Electrical Engineering and Computing Sciences

Mission: to educate high quality professionals in their area of specialization, endowed with ethical values, the ability to learn, and an entrepreneurial spirit, for life, in the context of the society of knowledge and the integral development of Ecuador.

Center for Vision and Robotics (Centro de Visión y Robótica, CVR)

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Daniel Ochoa dochoa@espol.edu.ec 042-269825

College of Mechanical Engineering and Production Sciences

Mission: to educate professionals in degree courses in Mechanical, Industrial and Food Engineering with academic excellence, with a solid grounding in basic science and a curricular structure that fosters an integral education and the entrepreneurial spirit of students.

Center for Rural Research (Centro de Investigaciones Rurales, CIR)

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Paúl Herrera aherrera@espol.edu.ec 042-269151

College of Social and Humanistic Sciences

Mission: to educate leaders able to contribute to improvement of levels of productivity and efficiency in the society of knowledge through their activities.

Center for Economic Research (Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, CIEC)

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. José Gabriel Castillo García jcastil@espol.edu.ec 042-269096


College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

In general college teachers are assigned a schedule of research, which may be extended according to results obtained over the course of a term. The aim is that this will generate status reports on questions pursued in the researcher’s specialization, to be published in repositories like that of this site, and subsequently in scientific articles for publication in middle and high impact indexed journals.

Center for Statistical Studies and Research (Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Estadísticas, CEIE)

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D. Eva María Mera Intriago emera@espol.edu.ec 042-269591


College of Geosciences Engineering


To educate competent, enterprising professionals with social and environmenal responsibility. To generate, adapt and transfer knowledge related to the activities of petroleum engineering, mining, geology and civil engineering.

National Corporation of Archaeology, Anthropology and History (Corporación Nacional de Arqueología Antropología e Historia, CONAH)

Name of Center Director Mail Telephone
Ph.D Jorge Marcos Pindo jmarcos@espol.edu.ec 042-269489