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Diversity and Inclusion

Through our Student and Polytechnic Welfare Unit, we developed a project called "Human Diversity Map", focused on analyzing factors such as gender, age, origin, disability, socioeconomic status, among others, of our student population.


Based, on the information we obtain from the Human Diversity Map, we carry out actions in four axes:


Granting scholarships, financial aid, conducting institutional awareness events and the detection of special educational needs; implementing our ESPOL INCLUSIVE project with the aim of promoting learning on equal terms.

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With the objective of tending to the inclusion and greater participation of women in the study of technical careers, ESPOL offers scholarships to women where the proportion is a minority in careers with a historical predominance of male students. Likewise, different meetings are held in Diversity; with specialists in gender perspective, talks have been organized against gender violence and our protocol for prevention and action in cases of harassment, discrimination and gender violence is constantly socialized. This protocol has been in force since 2018.

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Planning of actions that help strengthen an intercultural education system, understanding that in this axis even more work must be done, in coordination with the different actors of the national educational ecosystem.

Economic Condition

Generation of initiatives that help our students with socioeconomic vulnerability to complete their studies. A clear example of this is the Godparents Plan, through which ESPOL directors, professors and concessionaires financially support students with few economic resources.

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