Conoce nuestras Membresías y Redes de Cooperación Internacional:
MOVEONNET - Higher Education Worldwide. | Acceder |
UNIVERSIA - Red de Cooperación Universitaria | Acceder |
IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity | Acceder |
CINDA - Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo | Acceder |
LACCEI - Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions | Acceder |
VLIR NETWORK | Acceder |
TELESCOPI | Acceder |
IAU - International Association of Universities | Acceder |
AUIP- Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado | Acceder |
CASE - Council for Advancement and Support of Education. | Acceder |
IIE - Institute of International Education | Acceder |
AURP - Association of University Research Parks | Acceder |
IASP - Asociación Internacional de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos | Acceder |
AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | Acceder |
OUI - Organisation Universitaire Interamericaine | Acceder |
ASIBEI - Asociación Iberoamericana de Instituciones de Enseñanza de la Ingeniería | Acceder |