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Modeling Acquisition and Intelligent Data Analysis (AMAID).

Objetivo del Grupo

To increase ESPOL's capacity to conduct data-based research in problems related to biology, environment, and natural resource management.


The plan to change the energy matrix includes taking advantage of the region's water potential to generate electricity. It also involves lines aimed at boosting production and productivity in a sustainable way. Thus, promoting the conditions of competitiveness and systemic productivity necessary to make the transformation of the productive matrix. Consequently, it is imperative to have the ability to generate research results, based on knowledge, that allow adding value to agricultural production in zone 5 and the industrial capacity of zone 8. In this context, the main natural resource is water because agricultural productivity and energy generation in these regions depend on it. The plan is to carry out research on the evaluation of water quality, the effect of flows on ecosystems, and floods, to support the decisions of the authorities in charge of water management in zone 5.

Members Affiliation Education

Daniel Ochoa Donoso, Ph.D.

Group coordinator 


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Computer Science Engineer  

Luis Domínguez Granda, Ph.D. 


Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 

Ph.D. in Applied Biological Sciences  

Juan Manuel  Cevallos Cevallos, Ph.D.


Faculty of Life Sciences- Ecuadorian Biotechnology Research Center (CIBE)

Ph.D. Major Food Science and Human Nutrition/Master of Science  Major Food Science and Human Nutrition. 

Indira Nolivos, Ph.D.


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering  

Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences

Douglas Plaza, Ph.D.

Co-Coord. (UNTIL DEZ-2016) 


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering  

Electromechanical engineering

German Vargas Lopez, Ph.D.


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Associate Professor-TC

Carlos Alberto Salazar Lopez, Ms.C.


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Business Management

Ronald Alberto Ponguillo Intriago, Ms.C.


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Managerial Administration

Angel Lopez Aguirre, Ph.D. (c) 

