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Pattern Recognition and its Applications

Objetivo del Grupo

To carry out research about pattern recognition, which, as has been presented in the previous groups, is becoming more relevant in computer science. Research will be both theoretical and on the possible applications in terms of solving real problems. Also, this last point will allow us to establish collaborations with other ESPOL research groups in fields such as agriculture, aquaculture, and others.


The members of the group have experience in different research topics. In a way, success can be guaranteed. Nonetheless, there are several factors that could help guarantee the sustainability and continuity of the research group throughout time. For example, those from the point of view of the Government, from the point of view of society, from the point of view of the University, and from the point of view of possible applications (Agriculture / Aquaculture / others).

Members Affiliation Education

Dennis  Guillermo Romero López, Ph.D.

Group Coordinator


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering- Research Center for Development and Innovation in Computer Systems

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering / Third Level Computer Engineer specializing in Multimedia Systems.

Angel Domingo Sappa, Ph.D.


Research Center for Development and Innovation in Computer Systems / Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering /Computer Visio Center (CVC-UAB, Spain)

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Stannislaus Sonnenholzner, Ph.D. 

Aquaculture and Marine Research National Center

Ph.D. / Oceanographer.

Bonny Narcisa Bayot Arroyo, Ph.D.


Aquaculture and Marine Research National Center

Ph.D. in Sciences Mention in Biology

Enrique Pelaez, Ph.D.



Doctorado Electrical and Computer Engineering

Boris Xavier  Vintimilla Burgos, Ph.D.



Doctorado Tercer Nivel Ingeniero Industrial/Tercer Nivel Ingeniero Mecánico. 

Sinergias FIEC, FIMCP Y CENAIM en el área del reconocimiento  de patrones:  Casos de estudio en la agricultura y acuicultura. (NO ADJUDICADO)