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Quality control and Actuarial Mathematics

Objetivo del Grupo

To generate science through the development of new quality control methodologies and actuarial mathematics.


Many decisions in business are based on intuition and not on reliable statistical information. This could cause unwanted consequences for companies and society. Our group is made up of valuable professionals, two PH.D. and two doctoral candidates in the areas of Statistics, Quality Control, Demography and Biostatistics, respectively. Ecuadorian insurers base their calculations on foreign actuarial studies in the absence of reliable information. In developed countries, quality control charts and other techniques are used to guarantee quality production, to monitor public health systems, (see, D Banks et, al (2012) and mortality rates. Considering these facts and the group's skills, this group wants to get involved in researching these two areas necessary for a fair pension system in the social security of the country and for the productivity of companies.

Members Affiliation Education

Francisco  Xavier Vera Alcívar, PhD.,

Group Coordinator


Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Ph.D. in Statistics/ Third Level Engineer in Statistics and Informatics

Sandra Lorena García Bustos, PhD.


Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Ph.D. (statistics and optimization).

Master of Business Administration and Management / Computer Statistics Engineering.

Eva María Mera Intriago, M.Sc.


Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Master's in Productivity and Quality Management / Master's in Territorial and Population Studies.

Mónica de los Ángeles Mite León, M.Sc.


Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Master of Business Administration / Master's Degree in Biostatistics

Design of a quality control system for mortality data in Ecuador. (NOT AWARDED)